Riomhaire Research

FURPS TAR and Software Design Questions

This post summarized what the acronyms 'FURPS' and 'TAR' are and what the mean for software and system design.

Software Prioritization

What is the next story/task/epic to do? How many of you face this on a daily basis? come on, let's be honest — most of us. Tools such as Jira ‘help’ this somewhat with their ‘priority’ and ‘severity’ fields, but developers often find it a struggle to prioritize stories based on those two fields alone. This short article hopefully details an approach that is more understandable to developers and other stakeholders.

What's wrong with REST

The Representational State Transfer architecture (REST Reference-1) is a common approach to the API design of micro-services(Reference-2). REST does have some issues which have led to alternative architectures being developed to solve them. The popular GraphQL framework is one of them(Reference-3,7). This article will not go through all the pros of REST versus GraphQL or other alternatives to REST. Others have produced many good answers on the matter - just Google it.

Adaptive Microservices

“She can’nae take anymore, Captain!!” shouts Scotty as he enters my office. “The system is overloaded because of the number of new customers sales have managed to make this quarter” - “I know” I reply, “Datadog just alerted me via pager-duty - but there is little we can do at the moment, were scaled out to the limit we are allowed and we will have to ask management for more resources”.

How to compare contract and job offers

How do you compare contracts and what factors should you take into account? This blog post hopefully helps you do that.

Our Definition of Done

There are many definitiions within Agile about what it means for a piece of software being defined as ‘done’; Here is ours.

SSL Certs, Docker and Nginx reverse proxy

A short article on how to add SSL certs to your docker hosted sited

Traefik, Consul and Microservices in Go

Microservices are very popular - but how do you scale them ? There are many alternative solutions to this computer science question, but the one’s today we will consider are a couple of common and popular pieces of software called ‘Traefik’ and ‘Consol’. This article is an alternative approch to the one we did in the Linkerd API Gateway Pattern. The Problem. The solution to scaling many instances of the same API from an API perspective (we wont be talking about repository backends such as databases within this article) resolve around the need for two things.

Grafanai, Prometheus, Docker and Devops

Easy introduction to feeling your infrastructure pulse.